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2000                Ph.D., Program in Linguistics, University of Florida

1996                M.A., Program in Linguistics, University of Florida

1985/6             B.A., Translation (English-French), Universidad de la República, Montevideo (Uruguay)


Academic Appointments


2022-                Professor, Global Languages and Cultures, Texas A&M University

2021-                Core Affiliate Faculty, Latino/Mexican American Studies, Texas A&M University 

2019-                Professor, Hispanic Studies, Texas A & M University

2013 - 2017     Department Head, Hispanic Studies, Texas A & M University

2010 - 2019     Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University

2006 - 2010     Assistant Professor, Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University

2001 - 2006     Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, San Diego State University

2000 - 2001     Post-doctoral Fellow, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Florida






Single-author book


Moyna, María Irene.  2011. Compound Words in Spanish: Theory and history. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.



Co-edited books


Kluge, Bettina, and María Irene Moyna (eds.). 2019. It’s Not All About You: New Perspectives on Address Research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Moyna, María Irene, and Susana Rivera-Mills (eds). 2016. Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Balestra, Alejandra, Glenn Martínez, and María Irene Moyna (eds). 2008. Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage.  Houston: Arte Público Press.



Reference books


Pharies, David, and María Irene Moyna (eds). 2012. University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary. 6th edition (with app). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.           


Pharies, David, and María Irene Moyna (eds).  2002. University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary.  5th edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



Refereed articles  (last five years)



Moyna, María Irene and Teresa Blumenthal. 2023. "Address form choice in early Uruguayan children's literature." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 24(2): 217-244.


Moyna, María Irene, and Israel Sanz-Sánchez. 2023. "Out of the mouths of babes: The role of children in the formation of the Río de la Plata address system." Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 9(2): 189-210. ​


Sanz-Sánchez, Israel, and María Irene Moyna. 2022. “Children as agents of language change: Diachronic evidence from Latin American Spanish.” Journal of Historical Linguistics. 


Moyna, María Irene, and Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez. 2022. “Original Chicano: Language mixing and metalinguistic awareness in the songs of Lalo Guerrero.” Latino Studies


Zapata, Gabriela, María Irene Moyna, and Michael Miller. 2022. “An interprofessional learning activity for Pharmacy students to enhance language affirmation and confidence in Spanish communication skills.” E-JournALL, EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 9(1): 122-139.


Moyna, María Irene. 2021. “Después de usted: Variation and change in a tripartite address system.” Languages 6(3) Special Issue “Key Aspects of 21st Century Informal Interactions: Socio-Pragmatic and Formal Features.” (Invited, peer reviewed)





Book Chapters and Refereed Proceedings (last five years)


Moyna, María Irene, and Pablo Requena. 2024. [In press] “Tracing the emergence of the semantic split between voseo and tuteo in Rio de la Plata second person subjunctives: A look at child language acquisition.” Language Acquisition Across the Lifespan and Language Change: Applications in historical sociolinguistics, Israel Sanz-Sánchez (ed.)


Moyna, María Irene. 2023. “Pluricentricity in Río de la Plata address: Montevideo is alike and a little different.” Multilingualism and Pluricentricity: A Tale of Many Cities, Leo Kretzenbacher, John Hajek, Catrin Norrby, & Doris Schüpbach (eds.), 291-319. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Moyna, María Irene. 2020. “Formas de tratamiento y mitigación en el español de Montevideo.” El voseo en América, Origen, usos y aplicación, Tatiana Maranhão de Castedo and Ana Berenice Peres Martorelli (eds.), 165-197. Curitiba: Editora Appris.


Moyna, María Irene, Bettina Kluge, and Horst J. Simon. 2019. "Address and address research: Here's looking at you, kid." It's Not All About You: New Perspectives on Address Research. Kluge, Bettina, and María Irene Moyna (eds.), 1-20. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 


Moyna, María Irene. 2019. “Variation in polite address in contemporary Uruguayan Spanish.” It’s Not All About You: New Perspectives on Address Research.Kluge, Bettina, and María Irene Moyna (eds.), 191-219. Amsterdam/Philadelphia. John Benjamins.




Encyclopedia Entries


Moyna, María Irene. [In press] La variación gramático-léxica del español uruguayo. Enciclopedia concisa de los dialectos del español (ENCODES), Manuel Díaz-Campos & Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 


Moyna, María Irene. 2021. “The Diachrony of Spanish Compounding.” The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology, Antonio Fábregas, Víctor Acedo-Matellán, Grant Armstrong, María Cristina Cuervo & Isabel Pujol (eds.), 303-316. London: Routledge.


Moyna, María Irene, and José Luis Blas Arroyo. 2020. “Pragmatics and forms of address.” The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics, Dale A. Koike and J. César Félix-Brasdefer (eds.), 289-303. London: Routledge.


Moyna, María Irene. 2019. "Exocentricity in morphology." Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Linguistics. Oxford University Press.  



Major Grants, Fellowships, and Contracts




Southeastern Conference Travel Grant, to visit Louisiana State University ($1,500)



Stimulating Excellence in External Development Grant, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University. Spanish in Houston: Language and dialect contact in a new global city ($8,000).


Advancing Climate Together Grant for Inclusive Excellence: Somos Tejas: Digital Stories for First Generation Hispanic/Latinx Students. Co-PIs: Gabriela Zapata, María Irene Moyna (HISP), and Nancy Plankey-Videla (SOCI) ($8,700). 



National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Education Programs, Humanities Connections Planning Grant. Growing the Heart of Texas: Exploring the Role of Mexican Americans in Food Production and Rural Communities. Project Coordinator: Gabriela Zapata (HISP). Co-PIs: María Irene Moyna (HISP), Leonardo Lombardini (HORT) ($35,000).


Glasscock Faculty Research Fellowship. Tex Mix: A History of Language Mixing in Mexican American Music from Texas. PI: María Irene Moyna ($5,000).


Texas A & M Triads for Transformation (T3). Achieving Cross-Cultural Medication Adherence in South Texas.  Co-PIs: Michael Miller (School of Pharmacy), Gabriela Zapata, María Irene Moyna (Hispanic Studies) ($34,000).



Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities, Office of the Vice-President for Research, Texas A&M University. The Impact of Bilingual Experience on the Literacy Development of At-Risk Children. Co-PIs: Li-Jen Kuo and Erin McTigue, Department of Teaching Learning and Culture ($25,000).



Co-Editorship Contract, University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary (6th edition) ($30,000)



Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities, Office of the Vice-President for Research, Texas A&M University. Project title:  A History of Spanish Compounding ($9,956).



Post-doctoral Fellowship, Co-Editor, University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary (5th edition) ($28,000)


Invited Talks (last five years)



"Out of the Mouths of Babes: Children and the formation of the Río de la Plata address system," Seminar in First Language Acquisition (The Acquisition of Variation), New York University (April) (With Israel Sanz-Sánchez) [Online]



"A Little Bit Is Better Than Nada”: Language mixing in the music of Texas, Department of Spanish, University of North Texas, November [Online]


“Tú, vos y usted: Metodologías para el estudio de una variable morfosintáctica.” Centro Regional de Profesores del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, June [Online]


“Análisis lingüístico del lenguaje artístico: Consideraciones generales y un ejemplo.” Facultad de Ciencias de Información y Comunicación, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, June [Online]




"Me aviento el English y el Spanish: Representaciones del bilingüismo en la música de San Antonio." Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (Hispanic Studies), Louisiana State University, November (SEC Travel Grant).


"I need you, you, you: The Uruguayan tripartite address system in speech and song." Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (Linguistics), Louisiana State University, November (SEC Travel Grant)


Invited Panel: The Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics. Book presentation organized by editors Dale Koike & César Félix-Brasdefer. Congreso de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina (August)


Invited Panel: El voseo en América: Origen, usos y aplicación. Jornada Temática I, Instituto Hispano Brasileiro, João Pessoa, Brazil, February. [Webinar; my presentation at 3:49:00]



Invited Panel: Se hace camino al contar: Tecnología y multimodalidad en el aula de herencia. Mesa 3, Innovación metodológica y tecnológica, Coloquio de Español como Lengua Extranjera, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, September [Online; my presentation at 56:00]


Invited Panel: Variación en el tratamiento en el español de las Américas, ayer y hoy.  ABRALIN Ao Vivo, Associação Brasileira de Lingüística, June 



"Address as a mitigation strategy in Montevideo Spanish." University of Texas at Austin, September





Refereed Paper Presentations (last two years)



“Español en Houston: Actitudes y usos lingüísticos en una metrópolis global.” Asociación Lingüística de América Latina, ALFAL, Concepción, Chile, January



“From informal pronoun to familiarizer: Bo in Uruguayan Spanish.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Provo, Utah, October


“Che, bo, che bolichero: Competing familiarizers in Uruguayan Spanish.” Linguistics Association of the Southwest, Denver, October


“Che and bo: Competing vocatives in Uruguayan Spanish.” International Network on Address Research, INAR 7, Nijmegen, Netherlands, July


“Spanish in Houston: Language and Dialect Contact in a Global City.” 2023 Conference on Spanish in the US/Spanish in Contact with Other Languages, Dallas, April


“Bilingual Practices in the Lyrics of Nick Villarreal: When, how, and why. 2023 Conference on Spanish in the US/Spanish in Contact with Other Languages, Dallas, April (with Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez)



“Bilingualism in the Lyrics of Nick Villarreal.” Linguistic Association of the Southwest, Cleveland, Ohio, September (with Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez)


“Informal address in contemporary Uruguayan cumbia.” Sociolinguistics Symposium 24, Ghent, July. Panel: Beyond binaries in address: Politeness and identity practices in interaction.


"Me agarraron con la güera: Language attitudes and ideology in the lyrics of Nick Villarreal." Third International Symposium on Language Attitudes Toward Portuguese, Spanish, and Related Languages, April (with Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez) [Online due to COVID-19]


"Classroom and community collaboration as translation pedagogy." Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C., January [Online due to COVID-19]



Jasmine in full bloom, La Paloma, Uruguay, December 2017.


323 Academic Building, TAMU

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